[DIY] How to change a tap washer QUICK

change a tap washer

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change a tap washer

Want to stop that annoying leaking noise? Here is a quick guide “How to change a tap washer” you need. Follow this Easy-7-step-guide, you can replace the tap washers yourself in no time.

Ok, let’s move on to the steps for changing a tap washer!

How to Change a Tap Washer – Step by Step

Change tap washers – Tools needed

  • Crescent wrench
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Tap washers
  • An old towel or thick cloth
Have a look on the Internet if not sure your taps are standard kinds. That’s the type we will cover in this guide. If you are looking for “How to change a mixer tap cartridge“. Check out this video below to know more.

Change a Tap Washer – Step 1: Turn off the water supply and drain

Turn off your water supply to this tap, which makes the job easier to do and prevents flooding your working area. A valve should be underneath the tab or in the cupboard below the sink. If there isn’t one, turn off the water supply at the main valve.
WARNING: Remember to turn off your boiler and release all hot water left in the pipe before changing tap washer, if you are going to change on the hot water tap.

Change a Tap Washer – Step 2: Block the drain to avoid dropping any faucet pieces down

Place the plug to cover the sink or basin hole. This action will prevent losing any components down the pipe, I learned this tip the hard way thou. So remember to do it.
Caution: For extra care, place a towel inside your basin. It helps to avoid any damage if you accidentally drop heavy tools while working.

Change Tap Washers – Step 3: Remove the faucet tap cover off

Remove tap cover by using a flat-head screwdriver. Then use a spanner to loosening and remove the valve.
Remove tap cover - Change tap washers - How to change a tap washer
Caution: For extra care, place a towel inside your basin. It helps to avoid any damage if you accidentally drop heavy tools while working.

Change a Tap Washer – Step 4: Remove the tap screw and handle

Remove the sink tap screw under the cover and take off its handle too. Normally, a tap washer is positioned under a screw.
TIPS: If it seems hard to remove this screw/ nut, applying some oil around it and give another go. It should be easy after the old soaked in.

Change a Tap Washer – Step 5: Remove the tap washer from the valve stem

Sometimes, you can find a tap washer is hold by a small screw or nut at the bottom of the tap stem. Easily remove it with a screwdriver or self-adjusting plier. Then you can take out the rubber tap washer with a flat head screwdriver or needle nose plier.
Remove tap washer - How to change a tap washer

Change a Tap Washer – Step 6: Replace a brand-new washer and secure it back to the tap stem

Replace with a new tap washer, put the basin tap back together. Try not to screw the valve overtighten as you could damage the sink tap. Put the tap cover back the way it is.
TIPS: Not sure the size of tap washer? The easiest way is bring your old tap washer to hardware store and ask for the exact same size washer. OTHER WAY, you can buy a pack (a collection) of rubber tap washers. Surely it will have your washer size in the pack.

Change a Tap Washer – Step 7: Reinstall the tap stem – Turn on the water supply and test for leaks

You’re almost done. Take out your towel and sink plug. Try turn the water on. Voila! You just DID IT! Congratulations :)

When Should I Replace Tap Washers?

It’s fine if the tap starts dripping on your sleepy night. But it could be a nightmare if this happens on your counting-sheep nights. It does not matter how you try to tighten this crazy tap, it won’t stop leaky.
When to Change tap washers
Tap washers could be worn over time, and they become less effective as well. In most cases, changing these old tap washers are doing just fine. And you can do it yourself too. But if you’re not sure what to do or try not to go through all the hassle, call professionals or someone that can help.

Where is the Tap Washer Located?

A standard type of water tap consists of two main parts, the tap washer, and the seat. When you try to turn on the water, the washer plays its role in directing water to the sink. It also helps build up pressure while the water flowing through between the washer and the seat.
Tap washer location
On the other hand, it helps to watertight seal when you try to turn off the tap. The more you use the tap (either kitchen sink or bathroom basin), the faster its washers get worn out. That’s the reason you have to change tap washers.
Luckily, tap washers aren’t expensive, so feel free to change tap washers if you’re sure what to do.

Extra Tip on Changing Tap Washers

While you are doing the changing tap washers, inspect the tap valve as well. Sometimes, after you change the washers, water keeps leaking. That’s because the seal between and the seat is not tightened enough. The valve might look worn or rough. Then changing tap washers and valve together is recommended. If you are not sure, call a professional! But it’s not too complicated to do it yourself.

How to Change a Mixer Tap Cartridge

Follow this video guide for change your mixer tap cartrige!

Preventing Leaking Taps

It could be a good idea to invest in taps with ceramic disc cartridges. This type of taps is known to be durable and resilient. So you will have peace of mind for a lot longer than using a compression washer tap. I hope this simple guide gave you the confidence to change tap washers yourself. Good luck and please share if you find this article might help someone. Thank you. [amazon bestseller=”tap washers” filterby=”price” filter=”offer” filter_items=”50″ items=”3″ ]